Thursday, 22 March 2012


Haven't posted anything today (feels a bit weird) but I haven't done much. Now I'm just having lunch and planning the rest of my day. I was going to have this a work-free day but I just realised how much work I have and since I probably won't do much tomorrow as we have David's end of season lacrosse dinner I need to use tonight to do some work. Might go for a couple of drinks if I finish early ;) Think I might do some healthy baking after my lectures today as well. If I do I'll make sure to post the results and recipe. 
Hope you all are having good day! 

 Btw way ridiculously hungry today and about to have seconds for lunch right now!



  1. mæli með hafrakökunum! :D
    fór með nokkrar í skólann í dag og það var slegist um þær! ;)

    1. Er einmitt að fara í það á eftir! :D Ætla bara að þrífa eldhúsið fyrst ;)
